Home Strot and Chalisa Stotram Bhoothnath Ashtakam- An Ultimate Tool for Inner Peace

Bhoothnath Ashtakam- An Ultimate Tool for Inner Peace

Bhoothnath Ashtakam

Bhoothnath Ashtakam is a beautiful verse about Lord Shiv. Lord Shiv is devadhidev, which means Lord Shiv is the God of everyone who never discriminates between good and bad. Furthermore, his inclusiveness is what makes him different from all others. Lord Shiv has many names, Bhoothnath is also one of the names that symbolize his all-inclusiveness among all the creatures be it living or dead.

Shre Krishna Das ji is a Himalayan saint who wrote this magnificent stotram about Lord Shiv. He has dedicated his life to the well-being of humankind by writing these divine ashtakam.

Bhoothnath Ashtakam in Sanskrit

शिव शिव शक्तिनाथं संहारं शं स्वरूपम्

नव नव नित्यनृत्यं ताण्डवं तं तन्नादम्

घन घन घूर्णिमेघं घंघोरं घंन्निनादम्

भज भज भस्मलेपं भजामि भूतनाथम् ||1||

कळकळकाळरूपं कल्लोळंकंकराळम्

डम डम डमनादं डम्बुरुं डंकनादम्

भज भज भस्मलेपं भजामि भूतनाथम्

सम सम शक्तग्रिवं सर्वभूतं सुरेशम्||2||

रम रम रामभक्तं रमेशं रां रारावम्

मम मम मुक्तहस्तं महेशं मं मधुरम्

बम बम ब्रह्मरूपं बामेशं बं विनाशम्

भज भज भस्मलेपं भजामि भूतनाथम् ||3||

हर हर हरिप्रियं त्रितापं हं संहारम्

खमखम क्षमाशीळं सपापं खं क्षमणम्

द्दग द्दग ध्यानमूर्त्तिं सगुणं धं धारणम्

भज भज भस्मलेपं भजामि भूतनाथम् ||4||

पम पम पापनाशं प्रज्वलं पं प्रकाशम्

गम गम गुह्यतत्त्वं गिरीशं गं गणानाम्

दम दम दानहस्तं धुन्दरं दं दारुणम्

भज भज भस्मलेपं भजामि भूतनाथम् ||5||

गम गम गीतनाथं दूर्गमं गं गंतव्यम्

टम टम रूंडमाळं टंकारं टंकनादम्

भम भम भ्रम् भ्रमरं भैरवं क्षेत्रपाळम्

भज भज भस्मलेपं भजामि भूतनाथम् ||6||

त्रिशुळधारी संहारकारी गिरिजानाथम्ईश्वरम्

पार्वतीपति त्वम्मायापति शुभ्रवर्णम्महेश्वरम्

कैळाशनाथ सतीप्राणनाथ महाकालम्कालेश्वरम्

अर्धचंद्रम् शिरकिरीटम्भूतनाथं शिवम्भजे ||7||

नीलकंठाय सत्स्वरूपाय सदा शिवाय नमो नमः

यक्षरूपाय जटाधराय नागदेवाय नमो नमः

इंद्रहाराय त्रिलोचनाय गंगाधराय नमो नमः

अर्धचंद्रम् शिरकिरीटम्भूतनाथं शिवम्भजे ||8||

तव कृपा कृष्णदासः भजति भूतनाथम्

तव कृपा कृष्णदासः स्मरति भूतनाथम्

तव कृपा कृष्णदासः पश्यति भूतनाथम्

तव कृपा कृष्णदासः पिबति भूतनाथम् ||0||

|| अथ श्रीकृष्णदासः विरचित ‘भूतनाथ अष्टकम्’ यः पठति निस्कामभावेन सः शिवलोकं सगच्छति ||

shiv rudrashatakam

Bhootnath Ashtakam in English with meaning

Shiva Shiva Shakti-Naatham Sanhaaram Sham Svaroopam

Nava Nava Nitya-Nrutyam Taandavam Tam Tannaadam

Ghana Ghana Ghurni-Megham Ghan-Ghoram Gham Ninaadam

Bhaja Bhaja Bhasma-Lepam Bhajaami Bhoota-Naatham ||1||

I worship Shiva, who is all auspicious, the Lord of Shakti and the one who embodies destruction. He performs the ever new, eternal dance form, the Tandava and as he performs the dance, he remains absorbed in an unbroken state of meditation. The naada or sound that emerges from him is like that of dark, dense, swiftly swirling clouds of a fierce storm. I worship him, the one who is smeared with ash, the Lord of all Bhootas (living beings) over and over again!

Kala Kala Kaala-Roopam Kallolam Kam Karaalam

Dama Dama Dama-Naadam Damburum Danka-Naadam

Sama Sama Shakta-Gribam Sarbabhootam Suresham

Bhaja Bhaja Bhasma-Lepam Bhajaami Bhoota-Naatham ||2||

I worship him, who himself is the embodiment of time that flows like waves, the destroyer of all fears, whose instrument Damaru, makes intense (“Dam Dam”) sounds that resonates in the entire universe, who has a beautiful, strong neck (that can bear the weight of the giant serpent Vasuki), the one who is like Indra to all bhootas, who has smeared ash all over his body, I worship him, the Lord of all bhootas over and over again!

Rama Rama Raama-Bhaktam Ramesham Raam Raaraabam

Mama Mama Mukta-Hastam Mahesham Mam Madhuram

Bama Bama Brahma Roopam Baamesham Bam Binaasham

Bhaja Bhaja Bhasma-Lepam Bhajaami Bhoota-Naatham ||3||

I worship Shiva, the one whose Lord is Shri Raama and who is ever absorbed in Him,constantly chanting and reverberating His name. I worship the great controller, who is sweet, gentle, extremely generous, free-handed (Mukta Hasta) in giving boons to his devotees, who is the embodiment of Brahman and who has smeared ash all over his body. I worship him, the Lord of all bhootas over and over again!

Hara Hara Hari-Priyam Tritaapam Ham Sanhaaram

Khama Khama Kshamaashilam Sapaapam Kham Kshamanam

Dhaga Dhaga Dhyaana Moorttim Sagunam Dham Dhaaranam

Bhaja Bhaja Bhasma-Lepam Bhajaami Bhoota-Naatham ||4||

The one who is dear to Shri Hari, who is the destroyer of all the three kinds of sufferings and afflictions (Adhyatmik, Adhidaivik, Adhyatmik), who is ever forgiving and compassionate, who pardons all sins, who is the embodiment of meditation, the bearer of all good properties, who has smeared ash all over his body, I worship him,the Lord of all Bhootas, over and over again!

Pama Pama Paapa-Naasham Prajjvalam Pam Prakaasham

Gama Gama Guhyatattvam Girisham Gam Ganaanaam

Dama Dama Daana-Hastam Dhundaram Dam Daarunam

Bhaja Bhaja Bhasma-Lepam Bhajaami Bhoota-Naatham || 5 ||

The destroyer of sins of all living beings and the one who takes them towards the right path; the path of light, who resides on a mountain along with his Ganas, the open-handed one; generous yet fierce-looking, the one who has smeared ash all over his body, I worship him the Lord of all Bhootas, over and over again!

Gama Gama Geeta-Naatham Doorgamam Gam Gantabyam

Tama Tama Runda-Maalam Tankaaram Tankanaadam

Bhama Bhama Bhram Bhramaram Bhairavam Kshetrapaalam

Bhaja Bhaja Bhasma-Lepam Bhajaami Bhoota-Naatham ||6||

I worship him, who is a ‘difficult to reach’ destination. The skulls in his garland createintense roars when they strike each other as he performs the Tandava. The one who is protecting sacred Kshetras (areas) in the form of Bhairava and the one who has smeared ash over his body, I worship him, Lord of all Bhootas, over and over again!



Kailaasha-NaathaSatee-Praana-NaathaMahaa-Kaalam Kaaleshvaram

Ardha-ChandramShira-kiritamBhoota-Naatham ShibamBhaje||7||

I worship the Lord of all Bhootas, the wielder of Trident (trishool), the one who brings destruction with his trishool. O’ the Lord of Girija, the husband of Mata Parvati (Mahamaya), O’ the fair complexioned one, O’ the great controller, whose abode is the Kailash, I worship you! I worship the Lord of Mata Sati’s life force, the great controller of time, who bears the crescent moon as his headgear. I worship him over and over again!

Neela-Kanthaaya Sat-Svaroopaaya SadaaShivaaya NamoNamah

Yaksha-Roopaaya Jataa-Dharaaya Naaga-Devaaya NamoNamah

Indra-Haaraaya Tri-Lochanaaya Gangaa-Dharaaya NamoNamah

Ardha-Chandram Shira-Kiritum Bhoota-Naatham ShibamBhaje||8||

I bow to Sada Shiva, the one who has a blue throat, the embodiment of truth. I bow to his form of a Yaksha, to the one with matted locks, to the Lord of the serpent (Vasuki). I bow to the one who has the best garland (the serpent Vasuki), to the three-eyed one, to the one whose matted locks hold the Ganga, and through them, she flows. I worship the Lord of all Bhootas who wears the crescent moon as his crown!

Tava Krupaa Krishnadaasah Bhajati Bhoota-Naatham

Tava Kripaa Krishnadaasah Smarati Bhoota-Naatham

Tava Kripaa Krishnadaasah Pashyati Bhoota-Naatham

Tava Kripaa Krishnaadasah Peevati Bhoota-Naatham ||0||

With your grace, O’ Bhootanatha, Krishnadasa worships you, praises you!

With your grace, O’ Bhootanatha, Krishnadasa feels you, remembers you!

Now, when you appear before him, O’ Bhootanatha, Krishnadasa sees you with Bhava And he then drinks the nectar of your divine appearance!

||Atha Shree Krishnadaasah Virachita ’Bhoota-NathaAshtakam’ Yah PaṭhatiNiskaama-bhaavena Sah Shivalokam Sagacchati ||

Now, whoever recites the Bhoothnath Ashtakam written by Shree Krishnadaas in niskaam bhava( without the desire for fruit of action) , will attain Shiva loka( the abode of Shiva)