The beautiful composition Sri Nand Nandanastakam is dedicated to Lord Krishna is an embodiment of beauty, love, compassion, and duty.
Ashtakam contains eight verses in praise of the Lord. Recitation of this ashtkam is considered very auspicious during adhik mass or Purushottam month. Listening and chanting of Lords’ name can pave your way to liberation. And I must say that this strotam of Lord Krishna makes you fall in love with him.
Let’s tread the path of devotion by reading Sri Nand Nandanastakam lyrics in English and Sanskrit.

suchāru-vaktra-maṇḍalaḿ sukarṇa-ratna-kuṇḍalam sucharcitāńga-chandanaḿ namāmi nanda-nandanam
सुचारु वक्त्र मण्डलम्
सुकर्ण रत्न कुण्डलं
सुचर्चितंग चन्दनम्
नमामि नन्द नन्दनम्
sudīrgha-netra-pańkajaḿ śikhi-śikhaṇḍa-mūrdhajam anańga-koṭi-mohanaḿ namāmi nanda-nandanam
सुदीर्घ नेत्र पङ्कजं
शिकी शिकन्द् मूर्द्धजं
अनंग कोटि मोहनम्
नमामि नन्द नन्दनम्
sunāsikāgra-mauktikaḿ svacchanda-danta-pańktikam navāmbudāńga-cikkaṇaḿ namāmi nanda-nandanam
सुनासिकाग्र मौक्तिकं
स्वछंद दन्त पङ्क्तितम्
नवन्बुन्दङ्ग चिक्कणं
नमामि नन्द नन्दनम् |
kareṇa veṇu-rañjitaḿ gati-karīndra-gañjitam dukūla-pīta-śobhanaḿ namāmi nanda-nandanam
करेना वेणु रञ्जितम्
गति करींद्र गञ्जितम्
दुकूल पीत शोभनम्
नमामि नन्द नन्दनम् |

tri-bhańga-deha-sundaraḿ nakha-dyuti-sudhākaram amūlya-ratna-bhūṣaṇaḿ namāmi nanda-nandanam
त्रि भङ्ग देह सुन्दरम्
नखा द्युति सुधाकरं
अमूल्य रत्नभुषणम्
नमामि नन्दनन्दनम् |
sugandha-ańga-saurabham uro-virāji-kaustubham sphurac-chrīvatsa-lāñchanaḿ namāmi nanda-nandanam
सुगंध अंग सौरभम्
उरो-विराज कौस्तभं
स्फुराक्षि वत्स लञ्चनम्
नमामि नन्द नन्दनम् |
vṛndāvana-sunāgaraḿ vilāsānuga-vāsasam surendra-garva-mocanaḿ namāmi nanda-nandanam
वृन्दवनः सुनागरं
विलाश्नुग वाससं
सुरेन्द्र गर्व मोचनम्
नमामि नन्द नन्दनम् |
vrajāńganā-sunāyakaḿ sadā sukha-pradāyakam jagan-manaḥ pralobhanaḿ namāmi nanda-nandanam
व्रजांगना सुनायकम
सदा सुखः प्रदायकं
जगन मनः प्रलोभनम्
नमामि नन्द नन्दनम् |

śrī-nanda-nandanāṣṭakaḿ paṭhed yaḥ śraddhayānvitaḥ tared bhavābdhiḿ dustaraḿ labhet tad-ańghri-yugmakam
श्री नंद नन्दअष्ट्कं पठेत् यः श्रद्धयान्वितः तरेद् भवाब्धिं दुस्तरं ,लभेत् तद् अङ्घ्रि युग्मकं ||
I bow down to Son of Nand, whose face is ethereal, and he who wears beautiful gold earrings, and whose body is smeared with sandalwood.
I bow down to Son of Nand, whose beautiful eyes are beyond comparison with fully bloomed lotus, whose head is embellished with peacock feathers, and who enthrall millions of Kamadeva.
I bow down to the son of Nand, who holds a flute in his lotus hands, whose stride beats the gate of a fervent elephant, and whose limbs are covered in beautiful yellow attire.
I bow down to the son of Nand, whose bending posture is magnificently graceful, whose luminous nails are far more radiant than the moon, and who adorns himself with invaluable gemstones and jewelry.
I bow down to the son of Nand, whose body emanates extremely enchanting fragrance, and whose all-embracing chest is embellished with kausthubh mani and the srivatsa sign.
I bow down to the son of Nand, The beloved of Vrindavan who performs pristine pastimes and beautified with amusing clothes which suits his pastimes activities, and who crushed the pride of Indra(Lord of devas)
I bow down to the son of Nand, who eternally amuses Vraja gopikas and who bestows all kinds of happiness to the world.
Whoever consistently recites Sri Nand Nandanastakam would easily get sailed away from the unconquerable sea of materiality and attain the shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Krishna.
Also, click to read Sri Chaurashtakam
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