Home Strot and Chalisa Kavacham Shri Ganapati Raksha Kavacham an Ultimate Shield

Shri Ganapati Raksha Kavacham an Ultimate Shield


Himalayan Yogi Shri Krishna Dasji Maharaj gave many stotram to uplift the souls of seekers. Shri Ganapati Raksha Kavacham is one of them. By reading these verses one can get protection from all evils and attain peace, prosperity, and power. Shri Ganesha is the lord of ganas who can bestow their devotees with all kinds of siddhi.

Shri Ganapati Raksha Kavacham in Sanskrit

श्रीगणपति रक्षाकवचम्

पार्वतेयं महाकायं ऋद्धिसिद्धि-वरदायकम्

गणपतिं निधिपतिं सर्वजन-लोकोनायकम्

रुद्रप्रियं यज्ञकायं नमामि हे दीर्घकायकम्

हे गजानन गिरीजानन्दन रक्ष मां देव रक्ष माम् ।। १ ।।

एकदन्तं कृपानन्तं सर्वांगसुन्दरदर्शनम्

वक्रतुंडं दिव्यऋण्डं अपूर्वमंगलस्पर्शनम्

लंबोदरं पीतांबरं नमामि हे रोमोहर्षणम्

हे गजानन गिरीजानन्दन रक्ष मां देव रक्ष माम् ।। २ ।।

प्रेममूर्तिं कामपूर्तिं चराचर-हृदस्पन्दनम्

मंत्रमुग्धं पापदग्धं अग्रपूज्य-देववन्दनम्

प्रथमेंशं श्रीगणेशं नमामि हे गौरीनन्दनम्

हे गजानन गिरीजानन्दन रक्ष मां देव रक्ष माम् ।। ३ ।।

दिव्यतेजं कविराजं योगीजन-आत्मकारकम्

शिवानन्दं पराद्वन्दं भावप्रद-प्रेमधारकम्

विघ्ननाशं दीर्घश्वासं नमामि हे गर्वमारकम्

हे गजानन गिरीजानन्दन रक्ष मां देव रक्ष माम् ।। ४ ।।

प्रथमं मयूरेश्वरं द्वितीयं सिद्धिविनायकम्

ततश्च भल्लालेश्वरम् अस्ति वरदाविनायकम्

पंचमं चिंतामणिदेवं षष्ठं च गिरिजात्मजम्

विघ्नेश्वरं महागणपतिम् नमामि अष्ट देवम्

हे गजानन गिरीजानन्दन रक्ष मां देव रक्ष माम् ।। ५ ।।

तरूणी लभते वरं च प्रीत्यार्थी लभते प्रेमम्

विद्यार्थी लभते विद्यां च मोक्ष्यार्थी लभते धामम्

अर्थार्थी लभते अर्थम् च कामार्थी लभते कामम्

हे गजानन गिरीजानन्दन कृष्णदासः भजति त्वाम् || ६ ||

।। इति श्रीकृष्णदासः विरचित श्रीगणपति रक्षाकवचम् सम्पूर्णम् ।।

shri ganapati raksha kavacham

Shri Ganapati Raksha Kavacham in English with Meaning

Paarvateya’ mahaakaayam riddhisiddhivaradaayakam

Ganapatim nidhipatim sarvajanalokanaayakam

Rudrapriyam yajnyakaayam namaami he deerghakaayakam

Hey gajaanana girijaanandana raksha maam deva raksha maam .. 1

O’ the son of Mata Parvati, the one with a grand body you grant Riddhis, Siddhis and also boons. O’ Ganapati (the head of the Shiva Ganas), the Lord of Nidhis (Riddhi, Siddhi and Nidhis are different kinds of powers and opulences) you are the hero of all the Ganas residing in Gana/Jana loka and Kailasha. Mahadeva greatly loves you and you appeared from the Fire of yagya. I bow to you O’ the one with a huge body. O’ the one with the face of an elephant, O’ the son of Mata Girija (Mata Parvati, the Daughter of the King Himalaya) protect me!, O’ Deva protect me!

Ekadantam kripaanantam sarvaangasundaradarshanam

Vakratundam divyarindam apoorvamangalasparshanam

Lambodaram peetaambaram namaami he romaharshanam

Hey gajaanana girijaanandana raksha maam’ deva raksha maam .. 2..

The one with a single tusk, whose grace is infinite, whose every part is beautiful, whose sight is

Ever graceful, his trunk is curved and his head is divine. If he touches one, he shall be blessed with extraordinary auspiciousness. I bow to you O’ huge-bellied deva who wears yellow clothes, whose divine sight is so beautiful that every part of me gets joy and exquisite delight. O’ the one with the face of an elephant, O’ the son of Mata Girija, protect me!, O’ Deva protect me!

Premamoortim kaamapoortim charaacharahridaspandanam

Mantramugdham paapadagdham agrapoojyadevavandanam

Prathamesham shreeganesham namaami he gaureenandanam

Hey gajaanana girijaanandana raksha maam deva raksha maam .. 3..

You are the embodiment of love, you fulfill all the wishes. You are the vibration of the heart of both the movable and the immovable. You get mesmerized by mantras and you burn our sins to ashes. You are the first to be worshiped among all devatas as you are the first Devta. O’ Ganesha (Lord of Ganas), O’ the son of Mata Gauri, I bow to you! O’ the one with the face of an elephant, O’ the son of Mata Girija, protect me!, O’ Deva protect me!

Divyatejam kaviraajam yogeejanaatmakaarakam

Shivaanandam paraadvandam bhaavapradapremadhaarakam

Vighnanaasham deerghashvaasam namaami he garvamaarakam

Hey gajaanana girijaanandana raksha maam’ deva raksha maam .. 4..

Your brilliance is divine, you are the best poet among the poets. You give spiritual advancement to yogis. You are auspicious, the embodiment of bliss and you are free of dualities. You give devotion and pure love is the way to reach you. You destroy all obstacles and your breath is stabilized, calm and long. You destroy the pride of the one who takes refuge in you. O’ the one with the face of an elephant, O’ the son of Mata Girija, protect me!, O’ Deva protect me!

Prathamam mayooreshvaram dviteeyam siddhivinaayakam

Tatashcha ballaaleshvaram asti varadavinaayakam

Panchamam chintaamanidevam shashtham cha girijaatmajam

Vighneshvaram mahaaganapatim namaami ashtadevam

Hey gajaanana girijaanandana raksha maam’ deva raksha maam .. 5..

I bow to Ashta Vinayak, Mayureshwara, Siddhivinayaka, Bhallaleshwara, Vardavinayaka, Chintamanideva, Girijatmaja, Vighneshwara and Mahaganapati. O’ the one with the face of an Elephant, O’ the son of Mata Girija, protect me!, O’ Deva protect me!

Tarunee labhate varam cha preetyaarthee labhate premam

Vidyaarthee labhate vidyaam cha mokshaarthee labhate dhaamam

Arthaarthee labhate artham cha kaamaarthee labhate kaamam

Hey gajaanana girijaanandana kri’shnadaasah’ bhajati tvaam .. 6..

iti shree krishnadaasa virachita shreeganapati rakshaakavam sampoornam ..

By your grace, an unmarried girl will get a handsome husband. The one who seeks love will get love, the one who seeks knowledge will get knowledge, the one who seeks liberation will reach the supreme abode, the one who seeks material wealth will get material wealth and all wishes are fulfilled of a person with desires. O’ the one with the face of an elephant, O’ the son of Mata Girija, protect me!, O’ Deva defend me!

Thus , “Shri Ganapati Raksha kavacham “ written by Shree Krishnadaas ji is completed.

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